Sound Healing

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Sound Healing

Sound Healing: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”-Nikola Tesla

Sound Healing utilizes both sound and frequency to assist in raising and aligning one’s own vibrational frequency and energy to a more beneficial level, thus strengthening and repairing one’s electromagnetic field. This can be done through the use of music tuned to a certain frequency, turning forks, and singing bowls. Sound can help lower stress and anxiety, promote emotional and physical healing in the body, and can even assist in raising one’s libido.

Sound Healing-A Brief History

Sound Healing has been used for thousands of years. Pythagoras taught his students that sound and music could be used to rid the body of stress, fear, and anxiety. The Aboriginals of Australia are the first culture known to have used sound, via the didgeridoo, as a healing tool. The ancient Egyptians used chanting to heal, as did the Greeks. Tibetan Monks have used signing bowls for generations. Music, sound, and frequency can soothe the soul and calm the mind.

Researchers are now beginning to study the effects of sound waves and their specific influence on human cells. Jeffrey Thompson, D.C. has theorized that because the human body is 70% water, and that since sound travels more efficiently through water, it has the potential to stimulate the entire body, thus beginning healing at the cellular level.

Fabien Maman, a French composer and bioengenerist found that the human voice was able to destabilize uterine cancer cells. As more scientists continue to research the effects of sound and frequency on the human body, we should see this therapy become more mainstream.


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