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Agate is a banded Chalcedony mineral of the Quartz family. It has a trigonal crystal structure and a Mohs hardness of 7...

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Crazy Lace Agate, like other Agates is a banded Chalcedony. It is a microcrystalline Quartz, infused with aluminum...

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Amazonite is an alkali feldspar, a potassium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6.0 to 6.5. It has a triclinic...

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Amethyst is a quartz crystal with trace amounts of aluminum and iron inclusions in conjunction with natural...

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Apophyllite is a hydrated potassium calcium silicate mineral with a tetragonal crystal system. It has...

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Apatite is a calcium phosphate, with a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system with a Mohs hardness of 5...

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Aquamarine is a beryllium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8.0. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system.

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Aragonite is a calcium carbonate crystal with an orthorhombic crystal system. It can be found in prismatic crystals...

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Aventurine comes from the Quartz family. It is a silicone dioxide with a hexagonal (trigonal) and is crypto-crystalline...

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Azurite Malachite is a copper carbonite. Found mostly in botryoidal forms. It can sometimes grow in long, deep blue prismatic...

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Azurite is a copper carbonite. Found mostly in botryoidal forms. It can sometimes grow in long, deep blue...

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Bloodstone is an opaque Chalcedony with red inclusions. It is also known as Heliotrope, which means “sun turner” in Greek...

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Blue Chalcedony is a silicon dioxide composed of submicroscopic quartz grains with a Mohs hardness...

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Bumblebee Jasper, also known as Bumblebee Agate, Eclipse Stone and fumarolic Jasper. It is a composite mineral...

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Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral. It has a rhombohedral crystal system, but can appear as scalenohedrons...

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Carnelian is a variety of Chalcedony, which is part of the Quartz family. The Quartz in Chalcedony appears...

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Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a tabular orthorhombic crystal, strontium sulfate with Mohs hardness...

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Charoite is a potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, strontium, oxygen, silicon and hydrogen monoclinic...

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Clear Quartz is a silicate dioxide crystal with a Mohs hardness of 7. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal...

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Dalmatian Stone, or Jasper as it is often called is a mixture of quartz, microcline and tourmaline. It is a white...

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Emerald is a green Beryl, which is a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral. Its green color is derived...

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Fluorite is a calcium fluoride that grows in cubic or octahedral patterns. It grows in hydrothermal veins and is often found with Quartz, Calcite and Barite...

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Garnet comes in several forms to include Rhodolite, Almandine, Spessartine, Grossular, Andradite, and Uvarovite...

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Jade comes in a couple of types, Jadeite and Nephrite. The two different minerals are both known as Jade...

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Herkimer Diamonds are not diamonds, but a variety of Quartz found in Herkimer, New York. These...

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Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar, a sodium calcium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of...

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Lapis Lazuli is a sodium aluminum silicate with sulfur, chlorine, and hydroxyl. It also contains variable...

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Larimar is a variety of Pectolite occurring in masses. It is a sodium calcium silicate with a Mohs hardness...

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Mahogany Obsidian is a brown/black variety of obsidian. Obsidian is a glass like, silica rich volcanic...

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Malachite is a copper carbonite. Found mostly in botryoidal masses but may occur rarely in crystal...

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Moldavite is a type of green tektite. It is a glassy mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminum dioxide...

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Morganite is a pink variety of Beryl, a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral with a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8.0...

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Onyx is a variety of Chalcedony, which is a member of the Quartz family. It is a banded form of Chalcedony in which the lines...

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Moonstone is a feldspar, potassium, aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6-6.5. Moonstone has...

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Peridot is a magnesium iron silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7. It has an orthorhombic pattern and...

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Prehnite is a calcium aluminum silicate mineral with a Mohs hardness of 6-6.5. It is an orthorhombic...

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Pyrite is a sulfide mineral that grows in cubic, pyritohedral or octahedral patterns. It can also appear...

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Rose Quartz is a silicon dioxide crystal with a Mohs hardness of 7. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal...

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Ruby Fuchsite is a combination of red Ruby and green Fuchsite. Ruby is a corundum, aluminum-oxide...

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Ruby Zoisite aka Anyolite is a calcium silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7. It is an orthorhombic...

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Selenite is a crystalized form of gypsum that is usually clear or white. It is a hydrous calcium sulfate...

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Sodalite is a chloric sodium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6. The name Sodalite refers...

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Stilbite is a Zeolite mineral, a sodium calcium hydrous aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4...

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Strawberry Quartz is a silicate dioxide crystal with eye visible iron inclusions of either hematite, lepidolite...

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Tourmaline is significant for it use in the metaphysical. It is an aluminum borosilicate with a hardness of 7 to 7.5...

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Amethyst is a quartz crystal with trace amounts of aluminum and iron inclusions in conjunction with natural radiation. Its color can vary from exceptionally light to very deep purple. It is a trigonal crystal system and has a Mohs hardness of 7.

Element: Wind
Chakras: 3rd Eye, Crown, and Etheric
Source: Amethyst is found in numerous locations to include Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Africa, Canada, Russia, the US, and Europe.
Astrological: Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Amethyst can give your home a sense of calm and can provide overall protection, as well as physical, emotional, and mental balance.

Amethyst can give a boost to your negotiation skills, making decisions, assist with finding prosperity in business, wealth and can help you in coping with responsibility and change. It can assist in resolving health concerns related to hearing, hormones, headaches, insomnia, migraines, various infections, cancer, blood clots and arthritis. It can also assist with those suffering from numerous forms of addiction to include nicotine, alcohol, and drugs.

Amethyst can help with numerous emotional issues such as anger, aggressiveness, and can help calm those given to angry outbursts. It can help those who are overly sensitive, anxious, and who carry tension. It can also calm overly emotional energy and assist with those who are experiencing grief. It can give a boost to your aura, self-esteem, and spirituality.

Amethyst has been found to have been used as yearly as 25,000 BC by the Neolithic people of Europe, as well as ancient Egyptians, and the early Greeks and Romans.

Amethyst is also said to have been the 9th stone (in the second row) in the breastplate of Aaron, brother of Moses and high priest of Israel. It is also believed to be one of the stones that the names of the tribes of Israel were written on. See Exodus 28:15-21 and 39:12. It is also considered one of the foundation stones of the Heavenly City. See Revelations 21:19-20.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition.
Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Aventurine comes from the Quartz family. It is a silicon dioxide with a hexagonal (trigonal) and is crypto-crystalline. It has a Mohs hardness of 7. It was named after a type of glass discovered around 1700. It is found primarily in three colors, green, blue, and red. The green comes from microscopic particles of Fuchsite within the Quartz. The red color is created by inclusions of Hematite. The blue comes from inclusions of copper silicates.

Source: Aventurine is found in Brazil, India and Russia
Astrological: Aries
Chakras: Heart
Element: Water and Earth

Green Aventurine:

Green Aventurine is healing, fosters creativity, motivation, leadership, and the ability to process things at a more rapid pace. It fills one with optimism and a zest for life. It can provide confidence to assist one with moving forward and helps us face life’s challenges with grace. It is a helpful boost when our energy is depleted.

It can help us determine what issues might be behind certain illnesses and imbalances of energy. Provides emotional stability through the ups and downs of life. It can be an “emotional anchor”. It is a connection to the earth, grounding and channeling the energies from our heart to our head.

Overall support for our heart health or circulatory issues. It promotes cellular repair.

Blue Aventurine:

Chakras: Third Eye and Throat
Element: Wind and Water

Blue Aventurine promotes self-discipline and clear, concise decision making. Promotes forward movement and can help those who wish to initiate a change of bad habits such as drinking, smoking, substance abuse, overeating, as well as passive aggressive behaviors and selfishness. It helps one to take responsibility for one’s own actions and holding oneself accountable.

It can help you feel at home in your own skin and open you to receiving guidance from the spiritual realm. It helps clear the throat and third eye chakras. It can also help protect those who are more susceptible to and in tune with the energies around them, especially protecting them from negative energies. It can make us more aware of how our own actions and thoughts have created our current reality.

Can assist with balancing hormones and lessen muscle spasms. It supports blood and better oxygenation, which in turn helps strengthen venous and arterial walls.

Red Aventurine:

Chakras: Root, Sacral and Third Eye
Element: Earth and Fire

Red Aventurine is a stone of vitality and sexuality. If provides a boost to the libido. It promotes alertness and manifestation through direct action. It gives one the drive and desire to overcome life’s greatest challenges. This perseverance can increase our energy flow and ultimately help us overcome illnesses, lack of confidence and replenish our physical energies.

It provides us with the gift of discernment and assists us in choosing our highest, best path in life.

It also stimulates blood cell production, providing a boost to those who suffer from auto-immune disorders.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Azurite Malachite is a copper carbonite. Found mostly in botryoidal forms. It can sometimes grow in long, deep blue prismatic stalactite, column or radiating forms. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4.0. It is deep blue in color, and these two are often found together.

Element: Wind and Fire
Chakras: Brow and Heart
Source: Found mostly in China, Morocco and the US
Astrological: Sagittarius and Capricorn

Azurite Malachite helps us to express our individuality and can provide a sense of freedom. It helps us to display rationality or flexibility of mind and thought. It helps combat against ego, conceit, arrogance, and vanity.

It is good for the joints, skin and bones, heart, and circulation. It can help reduce stress and treat stress related conditions. Helps to reduce anxiety.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Azurite is a copper carbonite. Found mostly in botryoidal forms. It can sometimes grow in long, deep blue prismatic stalactite, column or radiating forms. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4.0. It is deep blue in color, and often found with Malachite.

Element: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown and Throat
Source: Azurite is found primarily in the US in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. It has also been found in France and Namibia, Mexico, Chile, Australia, Russia and Morocco.
Astrological: Sagittarius

Azurite is a stone of inner vision. It can enhance dreams, stimulate intellect and institution, and even assist with the development of psychic powers. It can strengthen the astral and etheric bodies, making us less vulnerable to psychic attack. It can be used to seal tears in our aura, alleviating tendencies to succumb to fatigue and illness.

Assists in maintaining clarity of mind and helps us to see truthfully where our motives lie. It assists us with seeing other’s motives and the truth of what they would have us believe. It helps us to identify the basis for our fears and helps our truth rise to the surface.

Azurite can help with migraines, vertigo, balance and lessen tinnitus. It is also good for students and those wanting to retain new knowledge or stimulate and open their intellect.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition.
Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Sacred Geometry. It is the “code” by which our universe is designed. Just as ones and zeros are used to create a computer world, so has Sacred Geometry been used to create ours. The universe is overflowing with mathematical constants that are expressed throughout nature, in the spiral of a nautilus shell, the design of a flower, in the inherent design of a crystal. It is seen in both ancient and modern architecture, throughout the galaxy and in DNA.

These mathematical and geometric displays are confirmation that there is a pattern woven into the very fabric of our universe. It is empirical evidence that underneath it all, there is a grand design. To some, it is proof of the divine.

These are not new concepts. Many ancient civilizations recognized these patterns millennia ago, the Egyptians, Minoans, and Sumerians to name a few. Geometry may have been first discussed and publicly taught by the Greeks, but they were not the first to recognize the patterns in nature and the world around them.

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”—Hamlet, William Shakespeare

It was believed by many ancients that Sacred Geometry was the gateway to the soul and to enlightenment, as it helps to open our minds and grow our consciousness. It was a knowledge that was widely held by ancients but has since been pushed to the back of our consciousness to be replaced by narratives created by man. As the study of science has progressed, the simple truth of the universe and of creation itself has been relegated to the “metaphysical”. Unfortunately, today, many believe the theory of intelligent design to be unscientific. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many believe that science and spirituality are diametrically opposed; however, the underlying code, the Sacred Geometry of the Universe and everything in it, belies that belief.

From the inception of our universe, the math has been clear. The ancients knew it. We see it in the ancient Pyramids of Giza, in Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, in stone circles and henges found around the world, and in ancient and modern-day architecture. It is even coded in our DNA.

It is as basic as a circle. One of the first shapes we learn to draw as a child. But even though it is one of the most basic and plentiful shapes, it is the foundation for all other geometric patterns. If you begin with the Vesica-Pisces, or overlapping circles, you can then draw a square, hexagon, an equilateral triangle, you get the idea. The Flower of Life, which has been found in different cultures throughout history, is just an extension of the Vesica-Pisces. The Flower of Life appears in many cultures. The pattern was found as part of a threshold step that is believed to have been at a palace of King Ashurbanipal of Assyria and is believed to date back to 645 BC. It was found at The Osireion in Abydoss and can be seen in the design of Stonehenge.

We learned from the Greeks that the “Platonic Solids”, named by, you guessed it, Plato, were the core patterns of physical creation. The Platonic Solids are basically the perfect shapes formed when you divide a sphere into three dimensional forms, with each division having the same exact shape and angle. These shapes consist of the Star Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, and Icosahedron and are found in countless variations. These geometric patterns were routinely associated with the elements of earth, fire, air, water, and spirit, or “the ether” by the Greeks.

Even though it would seem the Greeks were the first to teach of the “Platonic Solids”, it is now believed these specific shapes appeared over a thousand years before the Greeks. Carved prehistoric petrospheres have been found in Scotland. The majority of these petrospheres represent the same symmetrical shapes of the Platonic Solids.

Sacred Geometry appears in many geometric shapes and is seen throughout nature. Like the circle, the spiral is common geometrical shape, but it represents so much more. It is a physical representation of Phi, often referred to as the “Golden Mean”. It is seen in a nautilus shell, many plants, and flowers, and even the spiral of the universe. Ancient civilizations recognized this. They are seen carved into many locations around the world, such as the mound at Newgrange. It demonstrates spirals with both a solar orientation and an astronomic design referred to as a “light-box”. Three other such designs have been found in Corrowkeel, Ireland, the Orkney Islands, Scotland, and Bryn Celli Ddu in Wales. Spiral Megaliths have also been found in Portugal, Malta, and even New Mexico.

Phi is also found in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was recorded that the Great Pyramid was designed so that the area of each face equaled the square of its height. Meaning, that the architects of the Great Pyramid incorporated both Pi and Phi in its design. It may be a coincidence, but likely not, that the dimensions of the Great Pyramid form an accurate representation of the northern hemisphere of the earth, making the distance from Giza to the Equator, 1/12th the circumference of the earth.

It is also believed that geometry connect numerous sites throughout Egypt. Such as Amarna, which was 1/13th of the circumference of the Earth, Thebes at 1/14th, Philae at 1/15th and Nabta Playa at 1/16th the circumference of the Earth.

The Giza plateau is home to numerous pyramids, nine of which are visible today. The sacred mean, 5:8 ratio was used in the layout of the pyramids, connecting all the pyramids of Giza through geometry. Much like the planets in our solar system are connected by geometry. For each five years that Earth rotates around the Sun, Venus rotates around it eight times, in essence, “drawing” a pentagon around the sun every eight years. But where did this intrinsic code come from?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”—John 1: 1-4

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was the God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, or sound. As we now know, sound can create physical patterns. This is shown with Cymatics, or the study of visible sound. Sound creates vibrational waves that create a geometric pattern when they reach a membrane or boundary. You may remember when you were in school and your teacher took a large speaker, covered it in a flat surface and then poured sand on it. When sound was then played through the speaker, the sand would begin to vibrate and form geometric patterns. With different frequencies, came different geometric patterns.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration….” Nikola Tesla

Sacred geometry is everywhere. It pervades our lives in ways we do not see or even consider. It is even in the music we listen to. Each note on a scale is separated from the next note by mathematical proportions that we can hear, and each musical note has its own vibration. The frequency of those vibrations is how we can differentiate one note from the other.

Some have theorized that the universe and everything in it started with a bang, but this theory does not explain the code, the geometric design behind the universe. It does not explain how the utter chaos of an explosion could transform into a clear, concise pattern repeated throughout the entire universe and within us. Sacred Geometry, however, helps shows that there is a connectivity in nature, to the planet, and the universe that is undeniable. It is in the very energy that surrounds us.

The same code that was used to create our galaxy, exists in our very cellular structure. It is seen in the marula, the cellular division that begins at conception in humans. It can be seen in the petals of a flower, or in the crystals growing and vibrating beneath our feet. It demonstrates a connection to each other, our planet, the universe, to all of creation. It is confirmation that we are beautifully, wonderfully, and purposefully made. That we are not here by chance, and that our journey is just beginning. The code is there, its truths ready to be revealed, we simply need to remember how to read it.

"Sacred Geometry” Sacred Geometry (

Rawles, Bruce. “Sacred Geometry Introductory Tutorial”, Secret Geometry Codes, 17 March 2021 Sacred Geometry Introductory Tutorial by Bruce Rawles (

Payne, Neena. “Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much!” Natural Blaze, 9 July 2018, Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much! (


Carnelian is a variety of Chalcedony, which is part of the Quartz family. The Quartz in Chalcedony appears in fibrous layers instead of the granules found in Jasper. It has a Mohs hardness of 7. Its color can vary from very pale orange to deep reddish orange. Carnelian can also be referred to as Cornelian and Sard.

Element: Fire
Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus
Source: Carnelian is most commonly found in Uruguay and Brazil. The finest Carnelian comes from India.
Astrological: Taurus, Cancer, and Leo

Carnelian is a stone of life and energy. It can open your energies to an influx of “life force”. It is grounding and can awaken our creative and sexual energies. It can help some become more assertive, build confidence, and provide courage. It can help us to be more aware of our own power and how to utilize that for manifestation.

It can help one recover and strengthen the physical body. It can provide that push you need to take action, embrace change and take the leap of faith needed to move forward and manifest in your life, particularly your work life.

It offers vitality and energy and supports detoxification from alcohol or drugs, helping those who need it, to break free from negative or hurtful physical habits. It is a stone that assists with improving overall health.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Clear Quartz is a silicate dioxide crystal with a Mohs hardness of 7. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system and is one of the most abundant minerals. Quartz based crystals are found on every continent on the earth. Quartz exhibits piezoelectricity, meaning, it can transform pressure or energy into electromagnetic energy. It is used in many electronic devices to include watches and radio transmitters.

Element: Storm
Chakras: All
Source: Clear Quartz is found Brazil, Madagascar, China, Tibet, and Arkansas in the US, which produces some of the clearest quartz in the world.
Astrological: All

Clear Quartz is a master crystal, in that it can be used to heal our energies and to magnify surrounding energies, to include the energies of other crystals. It enhances and amplifies the energies of other crystals, making it a useful tool for crystal grids and manifestation. One must be careful however, as it will amplify all nearby energy, whether good or bad.

Clear Quartz can assist us with healing our energies and is a clear link to the higher vibrational frequencies of spirit. It is a fabulous all-around crystal that should be in any crystal lover's energy healing toolbox.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Emerald is a green Beryl, which is a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral. Its green color is derived from chrome and/or vanadium. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system. It has a Moh’s hardness of 7.5-8. The Egyptians appear to be the first civilization to mine emeralds, possibly as far back as 1300 BC. It is associated with the goddess Venus and has been referred to as the stone of resurrection in Christian lore.

Element: Water
Chakras: Heart
Source: The best quality Emeralds are found primarily in Colombia, but they are also found in Brazil, Russia, and Africa.
Astrological: Taurus, Aries, and Gemini

Emerald strongly represents the energy patterns of the activated heart charka. It helps us live from a place of love and compassion. It can open us to receive love from others and receive and accept divine love. With an open heart, we can then receive the blessings that the divine has to offer.

It is also known as the stone of abundance, helping us to attract our needs and desires. It can help clear any heaviness of our emotions in our energy fields. It can provide hope, encouragement, gentleness, and abundance.

It stimulates the physical heart and clears the emotional body. It can assist with increasing our memory, having patience, and walking through life with honesty. It is good for the physical and emotional heart, as well as liver and kidneys. It can also assist with those suffering from high blood pressure, inflammation, and infections.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Lapis Lazuli is a sodium aluminum silicate with sulfur, chlorine, and hydroxyl. It also contains variable inclusions of Pyrite and White Calcite and has a Mohs hardness of 5-6. It has an isometric crystal system of mostly aggregate, rock, cubic and dodecahedral crystals and masses. It almost always includes Lazurite, Calcite, and Pyrite.

Element: Wind
Chakras: Third eye and throat
Source: Lapis Lazuli is primarily found in Afghanistan, Chile, and Russia
Astrological: Sagittarius

Lapis Lazuli can assist in activating one’s third eye chakra assisting with increased intuition. It can magnify intelligence, increasing one’s ability to learn or teach. It also stimulates the throat chakra, allowing for discernment and speaking the truth.

Lapis can assist those seeking to explore alternative and past lives. It is also said to allow access to the Akashic Records. It can assist one in determining one’s gifts, as well as one’s limitations. It can be particularly helpful in pinpointing thought patterns and emotions that may be sabotaging one’s healing journey. It is good for helping balance the masculine and feminine.

It can boost the immune system and provide beneficial energy to the throat, thymus, and thyroid. It can help with insomnia, vertigo, and hearing loss. Lapis Lazuli was used by the Ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. It was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Larimar is a variety of Pectolite occurring in masses. It is a sodium calcium silicate with a Mohs hardness of 4.5-5. It can be found in shades of blue, green, gray and red. It forms in needle like crystals grown together in a solid mass. Some masses also contain vivid red brown Hematite inclusions. It forms in cavities of basaltic lava.

Element: Water and Fire
Chakras: Heart and Throat
Source: Dominican Republic
Astrological: Leo

Larimar assists us in clear communication, emotional strength and the ability to speak from the heart. It assists with confidence and a feeling of well-being. It can alleviate stress and tamper down tempers.

It is a connection to the Divine Feminine, bringing a vivaciousness and good humor. It can provide an atmosphere of serenity and pleasantness. Emanate a healing, nurturing energy. It is an overall emotional cleanser and healer.

It can reduce the physical effects of stress and stress related illnesses. It can help reduce hot flashes, lower high blood pressure and reduce the effects of colds and flus.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Mahogany Obsidian is a brown/black variety of obsidian. Obsidian is a glass like, silica rich volcanic rock. It is an amorphous stone that does not contain a repeating geometric pattern like other crystals. It has a waving or spotted pattern. Its name is derived from the reddish-brown color, which is like mahogany wood. It has a Mohs hardness of 5-5.5.

Element: Earth
Chakras: Sacral and Root
Source: Mahogany Obsidian is commonly found in Mexico.
Astrological: Libra

Obsidian is extremely powerful. It should be noted that working with obsidian of any kind can be extremely taxing and draining on the physical and energetic body. If you have not worked with obsidian before, I would recommend short sessions and exposure until you are sure of how it will react with your energy.

Mahogany Obsidian can help clear negative energies and blockages being carried from old wounds and trauma. It can particularly help clear the sacral chakra. It can assist in the flow of creative and sexual energy. Through continued use and mediation, Mahogany Obsidian can help us remove unconscious memories and traumas that hold us back. It can also help remove feelings of unworthiness that may prevent us from our potential in many areas of our lives.

Wearing Mahogany Obsidian can shield us from psychic attack and other negative energies that bombard us throughout the day. It helps remove us from a mindset of scarcity, grounding us and opening us up to accepting abundance.

It can help strengthen our organs and tissues and increases liver and kidney function, supporting detoxification and allowing the body to discharge any toxins.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Malachite is a copper carbonite. Found mostly in botryoidal masses but may occur rarely in crystal form. The crystals are usually long and prismatic to needle shaped. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4.0. It appears in varying shades of green with black bands.

Element: Fire
Chakras: Heart and Solar Plexus
Source: Malachite is found primarily in Zaire, Australia, the Congo and US.
Astrological: Scorpio and Capricorn

Malachite is good for endurance and physical balance. It is very useful for protection from negative energies. It will saturate the auric field with positive vibrations and strengthen the boundaries of our energetic field, which will help filter out negative energies and forces.

It can help maintain emotional balance, helping one remain in a positive state of mind and helping us to not take on the emotional state of those around us. It helps us to maintain a healthy heart energy, an overall energy that can help us feel safe and protected.

It can assist with regaining strength and vitality after sickness and aids in rebuilding tissue after injury or surgery. It can help reduce inflammation, sprains or strains and assist indrawing toxins out of the body. It is good for alleviating pains from Arthritis or other inflammatory diseases.

Malachite was found in Egypt as early as 3000 B.C. It was also used by the Greeks and Romans in jewelry, and it was also ground and used in cosmetics. In the Middle Ages it was believed to protect against evil and as a cure for various stomach ailments. It was also used by Russian Czars in the designs of their castles as paneling or inlay.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Moldavite is a type of green tektite. It is a glassy mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminum dioxide and other metal oxides. It has an amorphous crystal system and has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6. It ranges in colors of deep forest green to pale green to reddish brown.

Element: Water and Fire
Chakras: All, but most particularly the Heart and Third Eye.
Source: Czech Republic
Astrological: All

Moldavite was created when a large meteorite crashed into the Earth at what is now known as the Bohemian Plateau of the Czech Republic approximately 14.8 million years ago. Some of the richest deposits of Moldavite are located in Chlum and Slavce. The force of the impact explosion has been estimated at 6 trillion megatons. This exceeds the power of every atom bomb on the planet. The impact is said to have been deep enough to have caused the reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles.

It was worn by the Neolithic people of the area at least 25,000 years ago. More recently, it was tied to the legend of the Holy Grail. In some legends, the Grail was thought to be a stone, an Emerald that fell from the sky. In those times, most green stones were labeled Emeralds. In the 30’s, Nicholas Roerich, a famous mystic, likened Moldavite to the Stone of Shambhala (aka Shangri La). Roerich hypothesized that the stone was the same as those contained in the Holy Grail.

It is one of the most prized “stones” for its metaphysical purposes. It can activate all chakras, opening the energetic system and clearing all blockages. Moldavite has a high, intense vibration that promises the potential for assisting one to fully awaken his, or her heart intelligence. It offers physical, emotional and spiritual healing and is a powerful catalyst for self-healing.

It can offer spiritual protection when one resonates with its high frequency vibrations. It prevents negative energy or entities from connecting with or hanging onto our energy fields. Promotes disconnection from habits that are unhealthy.

Moldavite can enhance and accelerate the effects of many other crystals and stones, with Herkimer Diamonds being an excellent combination. It can perpetuate massive transformation, cleansing and change at every level. It will help you to look deeply into your own heart and mind and shine a light on our darkest fears, secrets, and shadows. It holds a up a mirror to our souls and psyche allowing us to remove the negative and move forward.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition.


Prehnite is a calcium aluminum silicate mineral with a Mohs hardness of 6-6.5. It is an orthorhombic crystal system that forms in massive botryoidal and globular structures, layered plates, and rarely tabular and prismatic crystals. It can vary in color and appears in green, yellow, white, and brown. It is often found with inclusions of Epidote.

Element: Earth and Water
Chakras: Heart and Solar Plexus
Source: Prehnite is most commonly found in Australia, China, South Africa, Scotland and New Jersey in the US.
Astrological: Libra

Prehnite combines the desires of our heart with our will, grounding us and giving us confidence in our endeavors. It assists in aligning our desires with the greater good. It helps us stay present in the moment, quieting restless thoughts, nervousness, and worry. It reminds us of our own personal power and inner strength and reminds us to use that power and strength for love and the greater good.

As our hearts produce a larger electromagnetic field than our brain, Prehnite can assist us with aligning our will to the energies of our heart, directing our energies, and allowing our energetic field to become a broadcast beacon to the universe, assisting us inthe manifestation of our greatest dreams.

Prehnite can assist with quieting our mind, helping us focus on our path, and giving a boost to your confidence. It assists us in personal reflection, to release ego and helps us cleanse our energy of emotional debris.

Prehnite can assist us in cleansing toxins and waste from our bodies, helping to balance and heal circulatory and lymph issues.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Pyrite is a sulfide mineral that grows in cubic, pyritohedral or octahedral patterns. It can also appear in massive granular, botryoidal, stalactitic or nodular formations. It has a Mohs hardness of 6-6.5. Pyrite is derived from the Greek word for fire because striking two pieces against each other can cause a spark. It is also known as Fools Gold.

Element: Earth
Chakras: All
Source: Pyrite is found in Peru, Spain, the US, the UK and Italy
Astrological: Leo

Pyrite is a connection to the Earth that helps us to channel energy through our physical body. It can enhance physical performance and assist us in taking action to create abundance in one’s life. It provides that boost we need to feed our ambition and solidify our commitment and perseverance to help us follow through. It provides a strength of will that helps us get through difficult times and helps us overcome.

It is an anchor to our auric field, binding it firmly to the body and helping to keep it in proper alignment. It helps filter out the negative influences in our environment. Pyrite can increase our third eye power increasing mental clarity and focus.

Pyrite helps us purify the body, helping rid it of infection or toxins.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Rose Quartz is a silicon dioxide crystal with a Mohs hardness of 7. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system. It usually is found in massive forms, but sometimes grows in small clusters of prismatic crystals. It ranges in color from extremely pale pink, that it appears almost white to deep reddish pink.

Element: Water
Chakras: Heart (4th)
Source: Rose Quartz is found in numerous locations to include Brazil, Madagascar, and South Dakota in the US.
Astrological: Taurus and Libra

Rose quartz is linked to the heart and all things “love”. It can help clear and soothe the mind, heart, and your space. It helps one to work on forgiveness of oneself and others. It can enhance your understanding in romantic and other relationships. It can help dissolve boundaries of self isolation and mistrust and can unify all that is the essence of the heart.

Rose quartz can align and harmonize the crown, third eye and throat chakras and assist you into bringing those chakras into alignment with the heart chakra.

It can assist in healing and with help general aches and pains and detoxify the body. It can help heal the heart and increase blood circulation. It may also assist in balancing the sex drive and assisting with any frustrations or hurt feelings linked to sexual frustrations.

Overall, rose quartz is a calming stone that helps heal all aspects of love, enhancing the female energy, and helping one to release fear, stress, tension, jealously, resentment and with overall feelings of inadequacy.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Ruby Fuchsite is a combination of red Ruby and green Fuchsite. Ruby is a corundum, aluminum-oxide with a Mohs hardness of 9. Fuchsite is a chrome mica, aka green muscovite, with a monoclinic crystal system and Mohs hardness of 2.5.

Element: Water
Chakras: Root, Heart
Source: Ruby Fuchsite is found in Southern India
Astrological: Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio and Sagitarius

Ruby Fuchsite combines Ruby’s enhancement of courage, strength and passion with Fuchsite’s calming, nourishing and heart-based energy. It promotes a strong sense of health and well-being in both our emotional and physical self. It aids us in overcoming illnesses that are relate to dysfunctional emotional patterns. It assists us in moving boldly into the future with trust and confidence that we are on the correct path.

It works to clear our emotional body of psychic debris that may be holding us back. It encourages a feeling of self-worth and helps us to maintain a higher standard for ourselves, especially in choosing those to emotionally partner with. It can strengthen our self-esteem.

It helps us to overcome draining energies from our heart, thus encouraging the body to clear itself of any arterial blockages. It brings additional energies to the bloodstream, which in turn provides support for the cells, organs and body systems.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Ruby Zoisite aka Anyolite is a calcium silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7. It is an orthorhombic crystal system, that also demonstrates massive columnar and granular habits. Colors appear in shades of green, gray, white, purple, yellow and pink.

Element: Storm
Chakras: 3rd Eye, root, Heart
Source: Ruby Zoisite is found in many locations to include Tanzania, Australia, South Africa, and India
Astrological: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius

Ruby Zoisite is a stone that emanates the energy of growth and fertility into all aspects of our lives. When Ruby and Zoisite are combined, the root, third eye and heart chakras are harmonized and energized. It can create the potential for the manifestation of one’s inner and outer development for profound self-growth.

It can increase one’s intuitive abilities. It can help us to recognize repressed grief and aid us in releasing that grief. It can help increase the strength of our energy field, cleansingthe body of negative attachments and thereby strengthening the etheric body.

It can assist in repairing immune imbalances and cancers. It can help restore vitality after radiation treatment, chemotherapy and pharmaceutical treatments.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Selenite is a crystalized form of gypsum that is usually clear or white. It is a hydrous calcium sulfate mineral and has a Mohs hardness of 2. It is closely related to fibrous gypsum, also known as Satin Spar and Alabaster. The crystals are tabular with striations running along the length. It is formed as an evaporate in clay beds and around hot springs. It is frequently found with inclusions of water and gas bubbles. Selenite is clear or transparent. Satin Spar can be colorless, gray, white, green, or golden brown. This is what is most frequently seen on the market today and are white or clear “wands”, or white/tan clusters known as Desert Rose, although they are normally seen marketed as Selenite.

Element: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Transpersonal and Etheric
Source: It is found throughout the world.
Astrological: Taurus

Selenite can rapidly activate the third eye, crown, and soul star chakras. It delivers a greater intensity of energy to the upper chakras. It can enhance and combine the energies of other stones, creating a harmonious energy. It is also a good choice for using in your crystal grids.

It can help clear blockages and debris, allowing energy to flow freely through the chakras. It also assists with increasing one’s sex drive and improving issues with the spine. It can also help with cancers and tumors.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Sodalite is a chloric sodium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6. The name Sodalite refers to its Sodium content. It is an isometric crystal system, formed of rhombic dodecahedra or hexagonal prismatic crystals. It rarely forms in crystals and appear mostly in massive or granular formations. It is primarily blue or gray, but can also be white, yellowish, reddish, or greenish. The blue is found intermingled with white calcite.

Element: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye
Source: Sodalite can be found in Brazil, Bahia, Canada, Namibia, India, and the US
Astrological: Sagittarius

Sodalite is a stone of insight and analysis. It can help one to get organized and work with efficiency. It enhances one’s observational abilities and brings forth latent genius. It can help reveal our desires, weaknesses, gifts, and behavioral patterns. It can help us to see the patterns and connections around us.

Sodalite can increase our intuition and give us confidence in the decisions being made. It can help ease our worries and can reduce stress and anxiety. It can also assist with lowering blood pressure, reducing water retention and improving cellular hydration.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Strawberry Quartz is a silicate dioxide crystal with visible iron inclusions of either hematite, lepidolite, or alurgite with a Mohs hardness of 7. It can be found in pink to dark red. It was named Strawberry Quartz due to the resemblance of its inclusions to Strawberry seeds.

Chakras: Heart and root
Source: Strawberry Quartz is sparse and coming primarily Mexico and South Africa, with a large vein recently being found in Brazil.
Astrological: Libra

Strawberry Quartz can assist us in seeing the reality of any situation in relation to love. It can help channel energy not currently being used, leading to peace of mind, calmness, and restful sleep. It can provide a sense of emotional wellbeing and can assist in the elimination of pain from trauma and emotional pain. It can also help us to embrace self discovery.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Apophyllite is a hydrated potassium calcium silicate mineral with a tetragonal crystal system. It has a Mohs hardness of 5. It can be colorless, white or gray. Rarely, it can appear in shades of green. It can appear in cubic or pyramidal shapes.

Element: Wind and Earth
Chakras: Third Eye and Crown
Source: Found in the Poona and Nasik districts of India, Italy, Germany, Iceland, Greenland and Brazil
Astrological: Gemini and Libra

Apophyllite has the vibrational energy of purity. It offers a connection to your guardian angels and guides. It radiates Divine Love. Itcan infuse our physical bodies with high vibrating light energy that can offer spiritual understanding.

It offers a balancing energy to our energetic systems.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Blue Chalcedony is a silicon dioxide composed of submicroscopic quartz grains with a Mohs hardness of 7. It was often worn in jewelry by the Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks.

Element: Water
Chakras: Third Eye and Throat
Source: Found India, Brazil, and Madagascar
Astrological: Cancer and Sagittarius

Blue Chalcedony offers calmness and balance. It can soothe the entire being. It is great for those who need help communicating. It offers healing of old injuries and the memories of them. It can help us center our energies and soothe our emotions. It can repair damage to our energetic field.

It is a good stone for the who suffer from panic attacks or anxiety or depression. It helps heal the throat.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a tabular orthorhombic crystal, strontium sulfate with Mohs hardness of 3-3.5. It grows in tabular and prismatic crystals, but also occurs in massive fibrous, granular or modular configurations. It comes in white, gray, green, yellow, orange, reddish or brown, but is most often seen on the market today is shades of blue gray from Madagascar in geode clusters.

Element: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric
Source: Found in Madagascar and Ohio in the US
Astrological: Gemini

Celestite offers an energy that is uplifting and that can open us up to higher realms. It can stimulate the third eye, etheric and crown chakras. It is a wonderful space cleanser, offering connections to the angelic realms. It can project an energy of patience and offer us complete trust in the divine process.

It can uplift our feelings, offering a calmness and feeling of safety and protection. It can help us overcome our suspicions, paranoia and fear.

It is good for clearing up infections of all kinds. It can help our metabolism function at its optimum level and can stimulate and clean our auric field from that which would cause us harm.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Charoite is a potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, strontium, oxygen, siliconand hydrogen monoclinic formation. It occurs primarily in dense, fibrous aggregates and has a Mohs hardness of 6. It can range in color from pale lilac to a deep rich purple with internal patterns or inclusionsof black or gold. It gets its name from the Charo River located in Siberia.

Element: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Soul Star, Solar Plexus, Root and Earth Star
Source: Found in Siberia
Astrological: Scorpio and Sagittarius

It can assist with purifying and cleansing the etheric body, in turn releasing disharmonies and repelling negativity. It can also protect one against psychic attacks. It can be a catalyst for healing and transmutation that will help merge the heart and crown chakra energies, in turn, increasing synchronicities in one’s life.

It can help us to recognize deep, forgotten knowledge that can help guide our path to better self-awareness. It can help us remain focused on the journey of self-learning and attuning us to higher frequency vibrations. It is a beneficial stone for energy workers and healers, as it helps to assist in controlling and regulating the energy flow through the body. It also assists with grounding excess energy to help prevent psychic burnout.

It can help to generally strengthen the body and our energy field by grounding high frequency energy into the physical system. It can assist with slowing our pulse rate, with general aches and pains, with headaches and those who suffer from ADHD.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Dalmatian Stone, or Jasper as it is often called is a mixture of quartz, microcline and tourmaline. It is a white/beige stone with black dots similar to a Dalmatian dog, thus its name.

Chakras: Root
Source: Found in Mexico
Astrological: Gemini

Dalmatian stone offers protectionfromphysical danger. It can connect us to spiritual and/or physical energy. It can assist us with leaving the past in the past and moving forward. It can provide stamina when we are depleted. It can also bolster the cartilage and assist with muscle strains and cramps. It can offer a calming energy and help restore balance.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Herkimer Diamonds are not diamonds, but a variety of Quartz found in Herkimer, New York. They are a silicon dioxide, hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system with a Mohs hardness of 7.5. These crystals superficially resemble diamonds. They are found either clear or with inclusions, often having black carbon deposits. Some are smokey, and the larger crystals frequently exhibit skeletal quartz formations. You may see similar crystals being sold as petroleum quartz.

Element: Storm
Chakras: Crown and Third Eye
Source: Found in Herkimer, NY
Astrological: Sagittarius

These crystals are believed to represent spiritual light. They radiate an energy of bliss and rapture. Their vibratory frequency is believed to attune to high spiritual frequencies. They can help magnify the energy of other stones and work particularly well with Moldavite. It is a stone that will help you with dream and vision work, astral travel and the removal of blockages and debris from your energy field. It makes an excellent purifier for your healing space.

It can assist with those having issues with their eyes or eyesight and in purifying and cleansing the physical body. It can help promote stamina and overall energy levels. It can also provide a boost to the metabolism and help cleanse the body of toxins.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar, a sodium calcium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6-6.5. It has a triclinic crystal structure, usually in complex aggregates. Its name comes from its area of origin. It was found in 1770 on the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. It is known for its labradorescence, or flashes of colors to include green, blue, gold, red, orange and sometimes violet. In the 1940’s there was a discovery of Labradorite that exhibited the entire color spectrum found in Finland and was namedSpectrolite. A variety of silver gray Labradorite was found in Scandinavia and named Larvikite.

Element: Wind
Chakras: All
Source: Found in Canada, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia and the US
Astrological: Leo, Sagittarius and Scorpio

Labradorite can open the inner eye and help us move between realities. It can help us connect with the things we cannot necessarily see. It can be great companion when one is on the path to self-discovery. It can also shed light on ingrained belief patterns that hold us back by creating negative emotional states.

It can help shine the light on unknown disease patterns. It can assist with mental focus, enhancing energy flow between the chakras and our energy field. It can assist with stress and anxiety, as well as enhancing intuition.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Moonstone is a feldspar, potassium, aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6-6.5. Moonstone has a lamellar structure, which gives it its sheen. It can be found in various colors to include white/cream, gray, peach, rainbow, or cat’s eye. It was used by the Romans over 2000 years ago in jewelry and was used before that, in the Orient. It held a special significance for lovers and was believed to make one whole, or to help find the lost pieces of oneself long forgotten.

Element: Wind
Chakras: Crown and Third Eye
Source: Found in India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Russia, Australia and the US.
Astrological: Cancer, Libra and Scorpio

Moonstone is a great stone for past life work. It can help one to find and activate the feminine power and promote expression of the feminine half. In women, it can often magnify any clairvoyant abilities. In men, it can promote non-linear thinking and emotional balance. Its vibrational frequency aids in clearing the aura and in activating the 6th and 7th Chakras. It can also help activate the central chakric column, also know as the “light column”. It links us to the moon, which as we all know affects all of those living on Earth. It can assist us with patience and provide understanding as to when we should act. Helping us to understand the timing of said action. It can enhance our psychic awareness and abilities and help us sort through our emotions more clearly.

It can help to stabilize a woman’s cycle and help males be more attune to any hormonal shifts. It can also assist in balancing water retention in the body and ease menopausal symptoms. It can help one break bad habit patterns.

Cat’s Eye: offers clarity of mind and enhanced focus. It can help us learn emotional lessons and balance the energies of male and female.

Gray: this variety can help us see beyond the veil. It is sometimes referred to as New Moonstone and helps to magnify our natural intuition.

Peach: offers a gentle and supportive energy. It supports the hearts energy while also stimulating the mind. It can help soothe the emotional body and ease anxiety. It can assist in supporting sensitive or intuitive children.

White: offers the energy of the Full Moon. Opens and attunes our psychic perception. It is helpful when doing dream or vision work and helps to magnify our emotions.

Rainbow: disperses energy through our aura, clearing our psychic senses and mind. Offers protection by deflecting negativity and dense energies before they can permeate our energy field. It can help cleanse emotional trauma and clear our emotional field, thus allowing joy to pervade our energy field.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Peridot is a magnesium iron silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7. It has an orthorhombic pattern and usually forms in short, compact, vertically striated prisms. It can be found in shades of green from olive to lime green. The color is caused by iron. Peridot was mined over 3,000 years ago on the Egyptian Island of Zagbarad, which is Arabic for Olivine or Peridot. Peridot beads have been found in Egypt and are believed to be 2,500 years old. Peridot was used by the Greeks and Romans in the fourth century in jewelry. It was known as the stone of prosperity.

Element: Earth
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart
Source: Found in Pakistan, Burma, Australia, Brazil, South Africa and the US
Astrological: Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Scorpio

Peridot projects a positive energy and gives an inner sense of warmth. It combines one’s love and will, creating the courage one needs to pursue the heart’s desire. It projects an energy of generosity and helps one to manifest financial and spiritual abundance. It can also bring abundance and success to one’s professional life as well.

It can help engender a feeling of self-worth. With continued use, it can generally bolster health, wealth and emotional wellbeing. It can help us to open ourselves up to receiving the abundance that the universe provides on all levels.

Its energy helps us attune to nature, helping remove whatever is blocking us from receiving abundance. It can balance the heart energies, strengthen our blood, provide better oxygenation and assist us in maintaining a healthy weight.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Stilbite is a Zeolite mineral, a sodium calcium hydrous aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4. It has a monoclinic crystal system and most often crystalizes in sheaf like aggregates, and sometimes tabular and rhombic cruciform crystals. It can be found in white, pinkish, gray, yellowish, reddish, orange or brown colors. It forms in basalt or other lavas and is often found with Apophyllite.

Element: Wind and Earth
Chakras: Third Eye, Heart and Crown
Source: Found mostly in the Poona district of India, but also in Iceland and Faeroe Island in Scotland.
Astrological: Aries

Stilbite can help us to become more self-aware, helping us heal from loss and grief and bringing an inner peace. It helps those who want to expand their consciousness and helps us to find peaceful and calm sleep.

It helps clear confusion of the mind to help us focus on the task at hand. It can be very beneficial for those who suffer from ADD and ADHD or mental imbalances.

Apophyllite and Stilbite together can help join the heart and mind. It can clear the energetic field and offer balance and increased brain function.

Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Aragonite is a calcium carbonate crystal with an orthorhombic crystal system. It can be found in prismatic crystals, concretions, stalactitic masses or other forms. It can be found in white, gray, reddish, yellow green and blue. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4

Element: Storm
Chakras: All
Source: Found in Morocco, Namibia, Spain. Blue Aragonite can also be found in China. Other forms have been found in Italy, Greece, Austria, England, Czech Republic, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan and the US.
Astrological: Capricorn

Aragonite Clusters:

Aragonite helps to balance the emotional body. It can help us to stay centered and serene in trying or difficult times. It can help us rid ourselves of emotional baggage and help us to become more aware of imbalances in our energy fields.

It can help us to release fear and pain and bring a more balance to our energy centers and aura. It can create balance by blending the energy of all give elements. It can help us to open and release blockages within our chakras. It can also help us to release emotional dramas in our lives.

Aragonite can increase our vitality and stamina, as well as help regenerate bone and tissues. It can also assist with vitamin A & D deficiencies.

Blue Aragonite:

Element: Wind and Water
Chakras: Throat, Heart and Third Eye
Blue Aragonite enhances all levels of emotional perception. It can help relieve fear and help heal past and present emotional wounds. It helps one to live life to the fullest. It can improve the emotional body and harmonize the heart and mind energies.

It can restore balance to the respiratory system. It can also help reach a deep meditative state. It helps us to share our ideas with others


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral. It has a rhombohedral crystal system, but can appear as scalenohedrons, rhombohedrons, prisms, masses, stalactites, etc. It has a Mohs hardness of 3. Calcite makes up a major part of most marbles and limestones.

Element: Fire
Chakras: All
Source: Calcite is found on every continent.
Astrological: Cancer

Calcite has a revitalizing influence. It is cleansing and refreshing. It can open blockages and activate the energy systems. It can allow one to see the inherent joy to all aspects of life.

Blue Calcite:

Element: Fire and Air
Chakras: Throat and Third Eye
Source: Blue Calcite can be abundantly found in Mexico, with the deepest blue being found in South Africa.

Blue Calcite can assist those who are energetically sensitive. It can reduce psychic stimuli and help those who are more sensitive to relax. It can also protect those from the thoughts and emotional energy of others. It is a good stone to work with for astral travel. It can also enhance those who are doing dream work. It combines well with Aquamarine, Blue Chalcedony or Blue Lace Agate.

It can remove blockages to the Third Eye balances. It can enhance telepathic and psychic communications. It can bring clarity and moments of inspiration. It can help us to see how our personal choices and actions contribute to and shape our reality.

It can clear blockages in the throat Chakra, especially when one is hesitant to discuss information or share their knowledge with others. Helps one to express themselves.

It can assist with clearing congestion in the lungs and respiratory system, healing with headaches and for eyes.

Green Calcite:

Element: Fire and Water
Chakras: Heart
Source: Richest and most high-quality Green Calcite is found in Mexico.

Green Calcite can calm down anger and irritability. It can help us to become more in tune with nature, plants, and animals. Can help clear the heart chakra of stress and unhealthy psychic energy and help us to relax. It can help to stimulate the body’s natural healing ability. It can bring a sense of freshness to the body and spirit, increasing vitality.

It can also assist in healing those with Seasonal Affective Disorder. It can help clear excessive plaque and blockages from the arteries.

Orange Calcite:

Element: Fire
Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra
Source: The best specimens are found in Mexico.

Orange Calcite provides the energy of movement. It can help provide forward movement. It can encourage confidence and inspiration. Can stimulate one’s creative and sexual energy. It encourages the flow of energy and help on move forward. It can help one overcome depression and reclaiming one’s health and vitality.

It can help balance energies in persons who suffer from shyness or phobias. It can help with hormonal imbalances, digestive issues and slow metabolism.

Honey Calcite:

Element: Fire and Wind
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras
Source: Most important source is Mexico.

Honey Calcite helps bring mental clarity. It can help promote intellect and ground. Great stone for assisting with a wide range of work situations. Helps to assist with relaxation. Can be a great ally when learning or developing a new skill set. It can help us break out of old patterns and move forward.

It can open us up to abundance and help one heal from sexual or emotional abuse. It can help those who often feel overwhelmed and under water. It can provide balance to the endocrine system and our hormones. It can also promote healthy blood levels.

Pink Calcite:

Element: Fire
Chakras: Heart
Source: The major source for Pink Calcite is Peru.

Pink Calcite can help balance the heart chakras. It can help us recognize the inherent joy in life. It can foster gratitude and over-all wellbeing. It can help us to be more empathetic. It can help one recover from injury or surgery and is good for those who work around others who have been traumatized or under emotional distress.

This is a good stone for the heart and for the overall wellbeing of the emotional body. It is a good stone for those who have difficulty expressing themselves emotionally.

Cobaltoan Calcite:

Chakras: Heart, Throat, Brow, Crown
Astrological: Cancer
Source: The major source for Cobaltoan Calcite is The Congo and Morocco.

Also known as Cobalto Calcite. It is often found with Malachite. Helps us to see the beauty in life. It can help you find your purpose in life and to recognize the lessons the universe is trying to teach you. It can help you express your emotions and heal you from emotional pain.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Crazy Lace Agate, like other Agates is a banded Chalcedony. It is a microcrystalline Quartz, infused with aluminum and iron. It has a trigonal crystal structure and a Mohs hardness of 7. The name is derived from its appearance, as it often resembles woven lace, with intricate wavy patterns throughout. It as found in Egypt before 3000 B.C.

Element: Fire
Chakras: Heart
Source: Common source is Mexico
Astrological: Gemini, Capricorn and Aquarius

Agates are generally known as lower intensity and slower vibrational stones; however, their stabilizing and strengthening influences can build a lasting connection or resonance with whatever energy pattern the variety of Agate represents. Due to the wide variety of Agate, there many energetic choices.

Crazy Lace Agate can assist in bringing confidence, courage and self-esteem. It can help bring balance and vitality. It is known as a stone of happiness and joy and one that brings good fortune to those who work with it. It can help set aside worries and help you to make necessary decisions.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition.

Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever

London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Agate is a banded Chalcedony mineral of the Quartz family. It has a trigonal crystal structure and a Mohs hardness of 7. The name Agate comes from the Achetes river in Sicily, where Agates were found in ancient times. Agate was used by the ancient Egyptians and was used for jewelry in ancient India.

Element: Water
Chakras: Throat
Source: Worldwide
Astrological: Gemini

Agates are generally known as lower intensity and slower vibrational stones; however, their stabilizing and strengthening influences can build a lasting connection or resonance with whatever energy pattern the variety of Agate represents. Due to the wide variety of Agate, there are many energetic choices.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Amazonite is an alkali feldspar, a potassium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6.0 to 6.5. It has a triclinic and prismatic crystal system. It comes in colors of green or blue green. Amazonite was used in jewelry 4,000 years ago. It was used in India, Egypt, Sudan, and Mesopotamia. The seventh chapter of the Egyptian book of the Dead was engraved Amazonite. It is believed that Amazonite was the third stone in the breastplate of Moses. An Amazonite scarab ring was found in the treasures of Tutankhamen. Amazonite was also found in jewelry in Pre-Columbian South and Central America.

Element: Water
Chakras: Heart and Throat
Source: Brazil, Russia, India, Madagascar Namibia, and the United States
Astrological: Virgo

Amazonite is a stone of harmony, truthteller and peacemaker. It can help us communicate our true thoughts and feelings without being overly emotional and providing inner and outer peace. It is also a stone of truth and can assist in helping manifest our dreams and desires. It can help us to speak out loud what we want to manifest. It can help align our words with our actions.

It can also assist with gout and arthritis. It can benefit the hair and nails and with thyroid and adrenal issues.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Apatite is a calcium phosphate, with a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system with a Mohs hardness of 5. It can be found in yellow, blue, green, brown, gray or colorless.

Blue Apatite: Element: Wind
Astrological: Gemini
Chakras: Third Eye and Throat
Source: Found in Canada, Brazil, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Greenland, and the US. The largest deposit is found in Kirovsk, Russia.

Blue Apatite can have a cleansing influence on one’s auric field. It can help to achieve lucid dreams and help us see our inner vision. It can help us to find inspiration and make us more aware of our problems. It stimulates the third eye, potentially enhancing any psychic ability. It is good for those doing past life work or wishing to access the Akashic records.

It helps us to clearly understand the Karmic influences contributing to our current reality. It can help us to pin down the root cause of energetic imbalances and medical conditions. It helps one to have a positive outlook and hopeful attitude.


Element: Water and Earth
Chakras: Heart, Throat and Third Eye

Green Apatite can be a great ally when dealing with strained nerves or stress. It helps merge energies of the heart charka, throat chakra and third eye chakra. It is a good stone for teachers and healers. It can help to channel Earth energy. It is a stone of abundance and opens one to express gratitude.

It can help attract money. It can help us to connect to the electromagnetic field of the Earth and keep the flow of energy between the heart and earth strong. It is also a great stone for those who have heart issues, as it helps strengthen the physical heart and the heart chakra.


Element: Fire
Chakras: Solar Plexus

It is the stone of the sun. It can help magnify the male personality. It can help one be more assertive and move with confidence. It can help us manifest our strongest desires. I can bring much needed insight an enhances charisma. It can bring prosperity to your life at all levels. It stimulates and magnifies.

This stone can help us overcome our self-imposed limitations. It can help us release blockages of the solar-plexus chakra. It can also help heal the endocrine system and can improve overall energy levels, stimulating the metabolism. It is also a great stone for those who have heart issues, as it helps strengthen the physical heart and the heart chakra.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Aquamarine is a beryllium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8.0. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system. Its pigment comes from iron. It was first used in Greece between 300 and 500 BC. Its name is derived from the Latin meaning “water of the sea”. It was believed to be the treasure of mermaids and was considered a talisman of good luck, fearlessness, and protection for sailors.

Element: Water
Chakras: Heart and Throat
Source: Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Australia, Africa, Namibia, and the United States
Astrological: Aries, Gemini, and Pisces

Aquamarine represents youth and happiness. For women, it provides clarity and courage to express their inner knowing and can enhance their intuitive abilities. It helps with communication with the Divine, both from within and in the outer world manifestations. For men, it can dispel emotional numbness and the difficulty men often have in communicating their feelings. It also can calm their frustrations and help ease their temper when provoked.

It can help shy children open up and verbalize their emotions and needs. It is a stone of empowerment. It can help cleanse the spirit and emotional body, as well as activate the throat chakra. It can help free one from old attachments and destructive patterns. Helps with clearing energetic clutter.

It can assist with infections and ailments of the throat. It an also assist with inflammatory diseases and can help ease flare ups of the nervous system.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Bloodstone is an opaque Chalcedony with red inclusions. It is also known as Heliotrope, which means “sun turner” in Greek. During the Middle Ages, the red spots in Bloodstone were thought to be Christ’s Blood and thus, magical powers were attributed to it.

Element: Earth
Chakras: Heart and Root
Source: India, China, Brazil, Australia, and the United States
Astrological: Aries, Libra, and Pisces

Bloodstone can purify and can help to dissipate negative energies from our electromagnetic field. It can help to balance and gives strength, determination, and courage inherent in the challenges of life. It can increase vitality and can bring out our most altruistic character traits. It can help us with endurance during physical activities.

It can help us to face obstacles and can help us to know the correct course of action. It can provide faith in and trust of the divine. It can help rid the body of toxins, boost the heart, joints, kidneys, liver, hips, blood, and bone. It can assist with anemia and iron deficiency, hemorrhages, wounds, and blood clotting.

Bloodstone works well with Moldavite, Cuprite, Smokey Quartz, Zincite, Black Tourmaline, Jet, and Obsidian.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Bumblebee Jasper, also known as Bumblebee Agate, Eclipse Stone and fumarolic Jasper. It is a composite mineral found in Indonesia in the 1990’s. Its name comes from its colors resembling that of a bumblebee. It is not a true Jasper because it does not contain primarily microcrystalline quartz. It is sedimentary rock containing sulfur, manganese, oxides, arsenic-sulfide minerals, regular and orpiment and calcium-carbonate minerals, Calcite and Aragonite. It forms in volcanic fumarole environments and is layered, and porous multicolored rock cemented together with carbonate minerals. The yellow layers due to the sulfur it contains, the black is created from the manganese oxides, and the oranges from the arsenic sulfides. It has a Mohs hardness of 4. Its components are toxic, so please handle this crystal with care and keep away from children and pets. Make sure to wash your hands after handling and definitely do not ingest or place in your mouth.

Element: Earth and Fire
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Source: Found on Mount Papandayan, West Java in Indonesia
Astrological: Cancer

Bumblebee Jasper promotes change. It can assist those needing to make a decision by keeping our emotions out of it. It can assist in removing blocks, opening the flow of creativity and the desire to manifest. It can help us to express ourselves freely and help us in moving forward. It can help energize the 2nd and 3rd chakras. It can assist with combining our passions with our purpose.

It can help free blocked energy and open chakras. It can stimulate mental activity, courage, assertiveness, endurance, and concentration. It can assist in conquering fears, with indecisiveness and hesitation in moving forward or making decisions.

It can also provide physical and vibrational support for the intestines, liver, and kidneys.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Fluorite is a calcium fluoride that grows in cubic or octahedral patterns. It grows in hydrothermal veins and is often found with Quartz, Calcite and Barite. It has a Mohs hardness of 4. It comes in many colors including colorless formations, green, purple, white, yellow, red, pink, and black. Multiple colors often appear in the same vein. Its name comes from its property of fluorescence.

Element: Wind
Chakras: All
Source: Germany, England, China, Argentina, and the United States.
Astrological: Capricorn and Pisces

Fluorite is a wonderful stone for those who suffer from confusion, scattered or cluttered thoughts. It also helps clear negativity and helps promote clarity of thought. It can help focus the mind, promote concentration, and help us to make important decisions. It can also assist us with our relationships.

It can help us to focus during mediation, when we are over excited, and helps us to focus thoughts when under stress or duress. It is a good stone for those who suffer from ADD and ADHD. It can help the two hemispheres of the brain entrain with one another. It can help quiet worry and anxiety. Can assist with those who suffer from dizziness and vertigo.

It can help strengthen bones and blood and is good for those who are suffering from colds, flus, or other viral infections. It can help those who are suffering from early-stage cancer and those who suffer from back pain and lumbago. It can also assist with relieving the physical stress of working in front of the computer screen all day.

Purple is good for purification. Black for cleansing our aura. Yellow can magnify mental acuity and powers, as well as enhance our intellect. Green can help heal and cleanse the heart chakra and can assist in aligning the heart and mind. Pink helps to cleanse and heal the emotional body and assists with activating the higher heart chakra. Blue will benefit the throat and enhance communication of ideas.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Garnet comes in several forms to include Rhodolite, Almandine, Spessartine, Grossular, Andradite, and Uvarovite. Most Garnet, but not all, contain aluminum silicates and have a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7.5. It is found in dodecahedral and trapezohedral crystals. It can also be found in combinations, masses, and layered plates.

It was used in the former Czechoslovakia during the Bronze Age and in Egypt 5000 years ago. It was also used in Sumeria in 2100 BC. The Talmud states that the only light on the Ark was a large Garnet. In the Middle Ages it was said to enhance truth, faith, and constancy. It was also thought to dispel melancholy. It was also viewed as a remedy for hemorrhage and for giving protection from wounds.

Element: Earth
Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart
Source: India, Russia, and the United States
Astrological: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius


Element: Earth
Chakras: Root
Source: Sri Lanka, India, Afghanistan, Brazil, Austria and Czech Republic
Astrological: Virgo and Scorpio
Color: Can range from reddish purple to orange red.

Almandine Garnet is an iron aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7.5. Its name comes from the town of Almandine in Asia Minor. It offers help to those who work with numbers. It also helps us to feel youthful. It can help us connect to our higher self. It is good to use while meditating. It can help rejuvenate and promote love. It can assist those in the process of passing on by easing their passing. It can give a boost in our physical energy and promote eye, heart, liver, and pancreas health. It can also assist with post-op healing and other wounds.

GOSSULAR GARNET: also known as Green Garnet and Tsavorite.

Element: Earth
Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart
Source: Kenya and Mali
Color: Can range from reddish purple to orange red.

Gossular Garnet is a calcium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5. The name was derived from the Latin word for gooseberries due to the similar color of the berries and some Gossular Garnets. They are naturally grounding and can bring abundant manifestations. It can assist with bringing our visions into reality. It can assist with confidence and motivation.

Tsavorite are the most energetically focused manifesters of the Gossular Garnets. It is a stone of prosperity and wealth. It can open and cleanse the heart chakras and help us to manifest our heart’s desire. It can assist with overcoming a mindset of scarcity.


Element: Earth
Chakras: Root, Heart and Crown
Source: Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Zambia, Brazil, and the United States
Color: Can range from rose red to pale violet.

Rhodolite Garnet is a magnesium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5. Its name comes from two Greek words meaning “rose stone”. This stone joins the energies of the heart chakra, crown chakra and the base chakra, providing physical and spiritual support. It can help us connect to our inner guides and guardian angels. It is a very grounding stone. It can offer assistance with emotional healing and strengthen the ability to hear “Spirit” speak.

It can help us rid ourselves of feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, opening our ability to receive love and abundance. It is good for those who need to practice self-love. It provides a confidence boost and helps us to receive Divine Love.

It can assist in healing the emotional body, as well as helping us recover from sexual abuse. It is also a good stone to use with expectant mothers.


Element: Earth
Chakras: Heart and Solar Plexus
Source: Russia, Finland, Poland, India and the United States
Color: Deep green

Uvarovite Garnet is a calcium chromium silicate with a Mohs hardness of 7.5. Its name comes from a Russian Statesman. This stone helps us to overcome the feeling of scarcity or the lack of self-confidence, love, knowledge, power, or any other feeling of lack. It helps us to understand that both we and what we have are enough. It can help us to find contentment and to understand that we will have what we need, exactly when we need it. It can help us to open up to what the universe has in store for us, and provides the knowledge that true abundance is already ours if we can only accept it. It can strengthen the heart and offer healing support for heart problems.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Jade comes in a couple of types, Jadeite and Nephrite. The two different minerals are both known as Jade. Nephrite is a calcium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6. Jadeite is a sodium aluminum silicate with a Mohs hardness of 6.5 to 7.0. Both have monoclinic crystals systems and are very tough due to interlocked and bonded crystal structures. They come in colors, including but not limited to, green, orange, brown, blue, cream, white, lavender, red, gray, and black. The name Jade was actually derived from a misprinted French translation of the Spanish term “piedra deyjada”, which means “stone of the loins”, that was translated to “pierre le jade”.

Jade was brought to Europe by the Conquistadors who brought it from Mesoamerica. During the 17th Century, Chinese carvings of similar looking stone were called Nephrite. It was later discovered that the carvings were actually different from American Jade. In the mid 1800’s it was discovered that stones from Burma were the same stone as American Jade. Today, both are sold as Jade. Jadeite comes in shades of a leaf green, blue green, emerald green, greenish black, deep emerald green or black. It also comes in lavender. Jadeite comes primarily from Burma, but can also be found in Guatemala, Russia, California, and Japan.

Nephrite typically comes in three colors, white, deep green and creamy brown. It is found in British Columbia, California, Wyoming, Alaska, New Zealand, China, Russia, Taiwan, Poland, and India. Jade is a very tough stone and was used for tools and weapons due to this trait. It was later used for vessels, beads, and incense burners. It was highly esteemed in China and for centuries was believed to strengthen the body during life, and protection after death. Similarly, this belief was held in Pre-Columbian Mexico and Central America.


Element: Earth
Chakras: Heart
Source: Canada, China, Myanmar, and the United States
Astrological: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Libra

Green Jade is a stone for healing the heart. Its energy is strong and steady. It assists us to sleep, and it is a good stone for dreaming. It can foster wholesome and steady growth of our life force energies. It draws on the Earth’s life force and imbues our electromagnetic field with that energy. It is a good stone for those who spend most of their time indoors. It can harmonize and balance the heart chakra, promoting both emotional and physical wellbeing. It can assist us in attracting abundance and prosperity. It helps us to broadcast peace and loving kindness to all those in our surroundings. It is an abundance stone and represents the flow of Divine Energy into our plane of existence from the bottomless well of abundance of the Universe.

It can bring harmony and happiness in business and familial relationships and is an excellent stone to keep in our office or home to promote this energy. It can teach us to enjoy physical life and remind us to “stop and smell the roses” and share your heart with others.

It can dissolve blockages and increase our body’s ability to absorb and use energy and physical nourishment. It can help heal the feelings of scarcity, money fears, fear of poverty, avarice, greed, covetousness, and other symptoms of belief.

Green Nephrite Jade is a powerful physical heart healer that can help strengthen and soothe the nervous system. Green Jadeite offers support in detoxing and regeneration of the bodies tissue after trauma.

PURPLE JADE (often referred to as Pink Jade):

Element: Earth
Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, and Earthstar

Purple Jade is a stone of joy and happiness. It can purify one’s electromagnetic field and dispel negative feelings or attitudes. It can help us to “lighten up” and relax and let life flow freely around us. It can help open the Third Eye centers and link those centers with the Earthstar chakra connecting us to spiritual knowledge.

It is a stone of discernment and can help us connect to our teachers and guides to assist with our spiritual journey. It is an excellent stone for healers and psychics who interact with energy fields. It can assist with soothing the nervous system and can soothe skin conditions and outbreaks such as hives, rashes that might be caused or exacerbated by stress.


Element: Earth
Chakras: All

Black Jade is a stone of protection, especially when worn or carried, projecting strong energies that can clear our electromagnetic field of vulnerabilities and attachments by negative forces or entities. It can hide us from such beings, including those around us who can drain our positive energies. It can also help protect us from those radiating anger and/or aggression.

It can aid us in ridding ourselves of destructive emotions and help purify on a spiritual and physical level. It can also assist those who wish to do shadow work by helping us face and integrate and provide us with true self-evaluation.

It can help protect us against viral infections, bacterial infections, parasites, and associated illnesses. It is also a good protection stone for those who are traveling.


Element: Earth
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Earthsta

Red Jade is a good stone if you have difficulty in being assertive. It is a stone of action and personal power and will. It helps us to put aside fear, worry, and doubt. It radiates a balancing vibration of wisdom that will help prevent us from acting hastily.

It stimulates the Earthstar and base Chakras, combining the energy of Fire with Earth. It carries a frequency prosperity of the material and physical health. It is an excellent stone for healers, helping them to keep their energy high when working. It is also a good stone for all the body’s organ systems.


Element: Earth
Chakras: Crown and Heart

Lavender Jade projects the violet ray of spiritual purification. It can attract the angelic, as well as radiate the highest etheric spectrum. It can help us release cynicism and suppressed anger. It encourages an attitude of serene acceptance. It projects more ethereal energy than purple Jade.

It is a stone that promotes visions, psychic awareness, and intuition. It can provide a connection to the cosmos and etheric planes. It can awaken emotional awareness and empathy as it connects us to our guides or Spirit.


Element: Earth
Chakras: Third Eye

Blue Jade can help calm the mind and help us stay above the drama of the petty. It can project our mental ability, entraining both sides of the brain, increasing our capacity for rational thought and creative intuition. It can strengthen our inner voice and help us tune in to messages from Spirit.

It is a good stone for mediums, encouraging openness and discrimination. It provides a combination of both Wind and Earth energies, enhancing Third Eye and Crown. It can help to activate the Earthstar and Base chakras due to its connection to the Earth.

Blue Jade provides grounding. It can enhance visions and dreams. It can assist with meditation, helping one to focus and let go, entering more altered states of awareness, spiritual understanding, and knowledge. It can also help neutralize an overabundance of Fire energy.

It can help calms swelling and inflammation and can also assist with arthritis, asthma, and other conditions of the lungs.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Morganite is a pink variety of Beryl, a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral with a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8.0. It is a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system. The color is caused by manganese. It was first found in Madagascar in 1902. It was named after J.P. Morgan, the renowned financier and mineral collector. It is also called “Pink Emerald”.

Element: Water
Chakras: Heart
Source: Brazil, Pakistan, Madagascar, Africa, and the United States
Astrological: Libra

Morganite has the frequency of Divine Love. It can open the heart to another level. It can make old wounds easier to heal and can bring immediate release of old pain and sorrows, providing a sense of lightness through the release of burdens.

It is good for inner work and emotional healing. It can provide feelings of peace, joy, and an inner strength. It supports spirit and aligns with angelic energies. It can assist with removing fear, resentment, and anger. It can help us recognize emotional patterns of judgment, fear, and manipulation.

It supports the physical heart, providing strength to the heart’s energy field and helping to establish the heart’s natural dominance in a person’s electromagnetic field. It also supports oxygenation of the blood.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Onyx is a variety of Chalcedony, which is a member of the Quartz family. It is a banded form of Chalcedony in which the lines, or banding are parallel. It has a Mohs hardness of 7. Onyx has a hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system. It is also frequently used in the carving of cameos. Black Onyx is most often made by dyeing gray Chalcedony in various ways.

Element: Earth
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye
Source: Found in India
Astrological: Leo

Onyx is a stone of inner strength, endurance, and perseverance. It can help maintain focus and boost memory and attention to detail. It can enhance physical strength and helps us to gradually build up our vitality, especially after long illnesses. I can help us stay on track in our efforts toward weight loss and with one’s exercise regimes. It can help with self-control. It can help with excessive energies and be a good tool to help with grounding when working with high energy stones.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


Tourmaline is significant for it use in the metaphysical. It is an aluminum borosilicate with a hardness of 7 to 7.5. It has a hexagonal (trigonal) with prismatic crystals and striations running parallel to the main axis. It comes in more colors than any other crystal. It can be found in black, red, pink, yellow, brown, and varying shades of green, blue, violet, and what is known as Watermelon Tourmaline. Tourmaline came into popularity when George Kunz sold a Green Tourmaline found in Maine to Tiffany and Co. Gem quality Tourmalines are considered rare and can bring a high price.

Tourmalines can be pyroelectric or piezoelectric and were used by Dutch traders to pull ashes from their meerschaum pipes. Tourmalines were used in ancient times in the Mediterranean. In the early 1700s they were imported from Sri Lanka to Europe by the Dutch traders.

Element: Wind
Chakras: All
Source: Brazil, the United States, Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Russia
Astrological: Libra


Element: Earth
Chakras: Base/Root
Source: Brazil, the United States, Africa, Pakistan, and Russia
Astrological: Libra

Black Tourmaline is great stone for psychic protection and for those who are often surrounded by negative energies. It can help keep our electromagnetic field clean of imbalance. It can purify the air around us. It is also good to protect us from the negative energies given off by electronics such as cell phones, computer screens and televisions.

It is a powerful grounding stone to keep us grounded and aligned with the Earth’s changing electromagnetic field.


Element: Water
Chakras: Heart
Source: Brazil, the United States, Africa, Afghanistan
Astrological: Libra

Pink Tourmaline comes in shades of pale pink to deep red, as well as transparent to opaque. It is a quintessential heart chakra sone. It emanates the female energy, one that is soft and soothing that can provide a feeling of comfort, safety and that is nurturing. It can help repair any damage to our electromagnetic field. It can help us release stress, worry, anxiety.

It can promote emotional healing by clearing and purifying our emotional body. It can help open us up to love.

It can help heal the heart and assist with heart related conditions such as anginal, irregular heartbeat and in recovery from heart attacks. It also promotes a balanced mental state.


Element: Water
Chakras: Heart
Source: Brazil, the United States, Africa, Afghanistan
Astrological: Libra

Green Tourmaline comes in shades of green from very light green to emerald, olive to black green. It is good for one’s physical well-being and is a powerful stone for self-healing. Its energies can harmonize with the heart’s energy, bringing balance and energy. It can assist with helping us to embrace life and joy in the physical world. It can help entrain our heart’s electromagnetic field with that of the Earth. It can help calm the nervous system and emotions and helps healing energy flow through the physical body.


Simmons, Robert & Ashian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach, Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley and Vermont: North Atlantic Books and Heaven & Earth Publishing, LLC, 2005, 2007, and 2015.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever London: Ryland Peters & Small, Ltd, 2007, 2016


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