Let's Talk About Math

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Let's Talk About Math

            Sacred Geometry. It is the “code” by which our universe is designed. Just as ones and zeros are used to create a computer world, so has Sacred Geometry been used to create ours. The universe is overflowing with mathematical constants that are expressed throughout nature, in the spiral of a nautilus shell, the design of a flower, in the inherent design of a crystal. It is seen in both ancient and modern architecture, throughout the galaxy and in DNA.

            These mathematical and geometric displays are confirmation that there is a pattern woven into the very fabric of our universe. It is empirical evidence that underneath it all, there is a grand design. To some, it is proof of the divine.

            These are not new concepts. Many ancient civilizations recognized these patterns millennia ago, the Egyptians, Minoans, and Sumerians to name a few. Geometry may have been first discussed and publicly taught by the Greeks, but they were not the first to recognize the patterns in nature and the world around them.

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”—Hamlet, William Shakespeare

            It was believed by many ancients that Sacred Geometry was the gateway to the soul and to enlightenment, as it helps to open our minds and grow our consciousness. It was a knowledge that was widely held by ancients but has since been pushed to the back of our consciousness to be replaced by narratives created by man. As the study of science has progressed, the simple truth of the universe and of creation itself has been relegated to the “metaphysical”. Unfortunately, today, many believe the theory of intelligent design to be unscientific. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many believe that science and spirituality are diametrically opposed; however, the underlying code, the Sacred Geometry of the Universe and everything in it, belies that belief.

            From the inception of our universe, the math has been clear. The ancients knew it. We see it in the ancient Pyramids of Giza, in Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, in stone circles and henges found around the world, and in ancient and modern-day architecture. It is even coded in our DNA.

            It is as basic as a circle. One of the first shapes we learn to draw as a child. But even though it is one of the most basic and plentiful shapes, it is the foundation for all other geometric patterns. If you begin with the Vesica-Pisces, or overlapping circles, you can then draw a square, hexagon, an equilateral triangle, you get the idea. The Flower of Life, which has been found in different cultures throughout history, is just an extension of the Vesica-Pisces. The pattern was found as part of a threshold step that is believed to have been at a palace of King Ashurbanipal of Assyria and is believed to date back to 645 BC. It was found at The Osireion in Abydoss and can be seen in the design of Stonehenge.

            We learned from the Greeks that the “Platonic Solids”, named by, you guessed it, Plato, were the core patterns of physical creation. The Platonic Solids are basically the perfect shapes formed when you divide a sphere into three dimensional forms, with each division having the same exact shape and angle. These shapes consist of the Star Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, and Icosahedron and are found in countless variations. These geometric patterns were routinely associated with the elements of earth, fire, air, water, and spirit, or the ether” by the Greeks.

            Even though it would seem the Greeks were the first to teach of the “Platonic Solids”, it is now believed these specific shapes appeared over a thousand years before the Greeks. Carved prehistoric petrospheres have been found in Scotland. The majority of these petrospheres represent the same symmetrical shapes of the Platonic Solids. 

            Sacred Geometry appears in many geometric shapes and is seen throughout nature. Like the circle, the spiral is common geometrical shape, but it represents so much more. It is a physical representation of Phi, often referred to as the “Golden Mean”. It is seen in a nautilus shell, many plants, and flowers, and even the spiral of the universe. Ancient civilizations recognized this. They are seen carved into many locations around the world, such as the mound at Newgrange. It demonstrates spirals with both a solar orientation and an astronomic design referred to as a “light-box”. Three other such designs have been found in Corrowkeel, Ireland, the Orkney Islands, Scotland, and Bryn Celli Ddu in Wales. Spiral Megaliths have also been found in Portugal, Malta, and even New Mexico.

            Phi is also found in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was recorded that the Great Pyramid was designed so that the area of each face equaled the square of its height. Meaning, that the architects of the Great Pyramid incorporated both Pi and Phi in its design. It may be a coincidence, but likely not, that the dimensions of the Great Pyramid form an accurate representation of the northern hemisphere of the earth, making the distance from Giza to the Equator, 1/12th the circumference of the earth.

            It is also believed that geometry connect numerous sites throughout Egypt. Such as Amarna, which was 1/13th of the circumference of the Earth, Thebes at 1/14th, Philae at 1/15th and Nabta Playa at 1/16th the circumference of the Earth.

            The Giza plateau is home to numerous pyramids, nine of which are visible today. The sacred mean, 5:8 ratio was used in the layout of the pyramids, connecting all the pyramids of Giza through geometry. Much like the planets in our solar system are connected by geometry. For each five years that Earth rotates around the Sun, Venus rotates around it eight times, in essence, “drawing” a pentagon around the sun every eight years.

But where did this intrinsic code come from?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”—John 1: 1-4

            “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was the God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, or sound. As we now know, sound can create physical patterns. This is shown with Cymatics, or the study of visible sound. Sound creates vibrational waves that create a geometric pattern when they reach a membrane or boundary. You may remember when you were in school and your teacher took a large speaker, covered it in a flat surface and then poured sand on it. When sound was then played through the speaker, the sand would begin to vibrate and form geometric patterns. With different frequencies, came different geometric patterns.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration....” Nikola Tesla

            Sacred geometry is everywhere. It pervades our lives in ways we do not see or even consider. It is even in the music we listen to. Each note on a scale is separated from the next note by mathematical proportions that we can hear, and each musical note has its own vibration. The frequency of those vibrations is how we can differentiate one note from the other.

            Some have theorized that the universe and everything in it started with a bang, but this theory does not explain the code, the geometric design behind the universe. It does not explain how the utter chaos of an explosion could transform into a clear, concise pattern repeated throughout the entire universe and within us. Sacred Geometry, however, helps demonstrate that there is a connectivity in nature, to the planet, and the universe that is undeniable. It is in the very energy that surrounds us.

            The same code that was used to create our galaxy, exists in our very cellular structure. It is seen in the marula, the cellular division that begins at conception in humans. It can be seen in the petals of a flower, or in the crystals growing and vibrating beneath our feet. It demonstrates a connection to each other, our planet, the universe, to all of creation. It is confirmation that we are beautifully, wonderfully, and purposefully made. That we are not here by chance, and that our journey is just beginning. The code is there, its truths ready to be revealed, we simply need to remember how to read it.


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