Crystal Healing is the practice of using crystals and stones as tools to assist us in clearing and aligning our energies. This can be done through crystal meditation, by placement of crystals in one’s environment, by using crystals to help realign our chakras, by drinking crystal infused water or in crystal infused products such as creams, roll-ons and candles.
So much in our world today disrupts our natural electromagnetic field, from the electronics we use, to the food we eat. Our energies are being disrupted day after day and most do not even realize the negative effects this has on our physical, mental, spiritual, and energetic health. Crystals can be a wonderful tool to help us protect and restore our energies from these day-to-day disruptions.
Crystals have been used for thousands of years as healing tools. Their use by healers was documented as early as 4500 to 2000 BC in ancient Samaria. The Egyptians not only wore jewelry of crystals and stones, but also used them for protection, in cosmetics and for their healing properties. Gravesites in Switzerland and Belgium have Paleolithic gravesites made of jet. Some Egyptians have also been found to have been buried with quartz crystals on their heads to promote safe travels into the afterlife.
They were also used and written about by the ancient Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Indians, Greeks, and Romans. The word Crystal is a derivative of the Greek word krystallos, or ice. The Chinese commonly used crystals in their healing practices, even using crystal tipped needles in acupuncture.
Aryuvdeic medicine, practiced in India, describes the use of various crystals in the Hindu Vedas. This tome also references specific stones and their healing properties. It was also believed that crystals assisted with balancing one’s chakras.
The use of stones and crystals for healing continued into the Middle Ages. More study was done as to the properties of stones and gems and their uses for healing various ailments and conditions. During the Renaissance, numerous treatises were written expounding upon the use and efficacy of crystals and stones in healing certain ailments.
Despite numerous biblical references to crystals and stones, during the rise of Christianity, the use of healing crystals was discouraged. In later years crystal healing seemed to fall under the category of “New Age” practices, which are still discouraged by Christian churches today.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration…..” Nikola Tesla
As technology progressed, more studies were done of crystals and their unique properties. In the late 1800’s, the brothers Currie, and yes, they are related to Marie Currie (husband and brother-in-law), discovered that quartz crystals were Piezoelectric. Meaning, that when pressure was applied to a quartz crystal, the crystal would then generate that applied energy. Thus, demonstrating a crystal’s ability to store and generate energy.
We have learned through Quantum physics that everything in the Universe is made of energy. Renowned inventor, engineer and physicist, Nikola Tesla believed that everything is energy, with its own frequency and vibration, including crystals. Through his research, he demonstrated that certain energies could influence and restructure other types of energy.
Fast forward to today, where we are being constantly bombarded by negative electromagnetic fields from our computers, televisions, cell phones; as well as radio-frequency radiation from objects like our Wi-Fi. These artificial electromagnetic fields vibrate at a frequency higher than our natural electromagnetic field, therefore, forcing our bodies into distress. This distress can manifest in numerous ways, such as anxiety, stress, irritability, and can cause various ailments and illnesses. Crystals can assist us with maintaining a healthy electromagnetic field, therefore, improving our overall health.
Our bodies generate numerous electromagnetic fields. Our heart energies vibrate at a different frequency than our brain’s, our brain’s energy vibrates at a different frequency than our lungs. All our major organ systems vibrate at different frequencies. All of these frequencies combine to create our unique energetic field, our own unique song. Unfortunately, this energetic field can be disrupted or thrown out of frequency by many things. Our energetic field can be disrupted by the food we eat, what we drink, the electronics we surround ourselves with, and even the people we come into contact with each day.”
Once our energetic field becomes disrupted, it can have a cascading effect on our physical and mental health. When our vibrational frequency is lowered, we can suffer from anxiety, depression, aches and pains or even feel as though we are under spiritual attack. It takes more energy to go about our daily lives and can lead to serious long term health issues.
Humans, like everything else, have an optimal frequency range. This range was discovered by Bruce Tainio, who concluded that a healthy body resonates between 62-70 MHz. He also found that when a person’s vibrational frequency dropped below 58 MHz, the disease process began to take hold. Many have theorized that the disharmony and imbalances that cause health problems, manifest in the electromagnetic field, or aura, long before they manifest in the physical body. Meaning, that by the time you begin to notice symptoms of illness, considerable damage has already been done to your electromagnetic field.
So how can we prevent this from happening? We must take stock of our day to day lives. What are we eating or drinking that is unhealthy or full of chemicals? What are we watching and/or listening to daily that may cause feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, or resentment? Are we surrounding ourselves with people who lift us up, or with people who tear us down? Are we staying in a job that makes us unhappy and causes us unnecessary stress? Are we in unhealthy relationships? All of these can lower our vibrational frequency opening us up to illness.
We can take time for self-care. Meditate, exercise, be kind to yourself and those around you. Take time to reset and rejuvenate. Take a break from technology and ground yourself. We can also use the tools that have been provided for us, such as crystals.
We can use crystals to assist us in raising our vibrational frequency, as a crystal, unlike humans have a more stable vibrational frequency. This allows us to utilize the crystals vibrational frequency to raise and attune ours to a higher vibrational level, basically entraining our vibrational frequency with that of the crystal, helping to raise our overall vibrational frequency and helping to heal any damage to our own electromagnetic field.
Though not mainstream, or touted by medical professionals, crystals are a valuable tool and ally to work alongside, and in conjunction with, traditional western medicine to assist us on our path to energetic health and overall healing.
Michael Harrison, "An In-Depth Look at the history of Crystals and Healing”
Janelle Scialla, “A Brief History of Crystals and Healing”, History of Crystals and Healing (
“The Vibrational Frequencies of the Human Body”, November 16, 2021, The Vibrational Frequencies of the Human Body | Biohackers United
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